Linking and Learning
The heart of the voice program
Linking and Learning is the heart and soul of Voice innovative grant facility that supports rightsholders and groups facing marginalization or discrimination in their efforts to exert influence in accessing productive and social services and political participation. It fosters learning and innovation, allowing grantees to come together, explore, analyze, and apply new ideas and knowledge. Among other things, linking and learning create a space for reflection, exploration and knowledge sharing.
This community concerns itself with issues around the design and implementation of scalable,
Community of Practice
Social justice upholds the view that every individual deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities.
This Community of Practice (CoPs) is a space for two distinct groups which can be intertwined or treated independently depending on the programmatic considerations.
Digital Platform
The World Health Organization (WHO), estimates that over 1 billion people live with some form of disability and that the number of people with disability
Innovate and Learn
This group is focused on improving transparency, accountability, citizen participation and responsiveness to citizens.
Communities of Practice
We've six (6) communities of practice implemented on the voice program but only 4 active in operation

Persons With Disability
The World Health Organization (WHO), estimates that over 1 billion people live with some form of disability and that the number of people with disability are dramatically increasing due to demographic trends and increases in chronic health conditions. Similarly, Article 25 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) reinforces the right of persons with disability to attain the highest standard of healthcare, without discrimination. However, the reality is that this is not the case. This Community looks at the peculiar issues faced by this group and how best to address them for a more inclusive society.
Gender Justice
This Community of Practice (CoPs) is a space for two distinct groups which can be intertwined or treated independently depending on the programmatic considerations. The first target population highlights women and the issues that they face as a result of their gender. It also looks at how women can be supported to live and contribute meaningfully to society in terms of economic & political empowerment, human rights, education and health amongst other issues. The second group provides a space where youth and youth-serving practitioners can come together to share ideas, tools, and build and test practical resources to advance positive youth development (PYD) through collaboration, dialogue, and collective sharing and learning.

Social Justice
Social justice upholds the view that every individual deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. The five main principles of social justice include access to resources, equity, participation, diversity, and human rights and almost all the SDGs aim to support different aspects of social justice in order to transform our world. This community is interested in initiatives that seek to promote human rights across an extensive spectrum ranging from ending police brutality, campaigning against Gender-based violence (GBV), ensuring political participation, demanding government accountability, providing social protection & economic empowerment schemes, upholding the rights of marginalized groups such as People living with disability (PWDs), Orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), amongst other thematic areas.

This group centers around the special needs and requirements that are unique to senior citizens. Some of the key issues include eldercare management consisting of the health conditions faced by the elderly, their dietary needs and all aspects of geriatric healthcare. The group also looks at elder abuse – physical, emotional & sexual, as well as other necessities unique to elderly people to ensure they enjoy a well-balanced life.
Partners and Sponsors


Link & Learn