
Training of Trainers-Access to self reliance for female inmates

The FIRC project to produce reusable sanitary pads started the training of trainers on February 1, 2023 in the FIRC workshop in Garki international market, Abuja. The training was led by the head of association Lucy Dangana. The participants were Loveth Demson from Lagos and Nkemakolam Otutu from Enugu. They are both expected to step down the training in the Female Correctional Centre Kirikiri, Lagos and Enugu Maximum Custodial Centre respectively.

The training lasted for a period of 17 days. The returned citizens were taught how to produce reusable sanitary towels. The learnt how to cut the materials, fix buttons, and package the pads. They were also taught the proper way to care for the pads, to ensure that it is hygienic.

The first two days of the training was used to teach the participants how to cut the pad using sewing brown paper before they graduated to using the material to avoid wasting the materials. On the third day the participants started cutting using the actual material. By the fourth day of the training the trainers started practicing on the sewing machine.

The trainer taught them how to join the materials properly at every angle so that the pads look really neat. The participants spent about five days perfecting the act of joining the materials together to produce a pad. Lucy Dangana, taught the participants on the best way to care for the pads to prevent the spread of diseases.

Health education was necessary because reusable sanitary pads are relatively new. A lot of people do not know how to use them properly. Lack of proper care for the pads can lead to other health hazards. There was a general talk about hygiene during menstrual cycle and she outlined a step-by-step process on how to use and care for the pads. It was an enlightening session and the participants asked a lot of questions.

In the last week of the training, the participants were taught how to fix buttons on the pads and how to package the pads. Buttons are important because it keeps the wings of the pads in place. At this stage the participants were shown how to make bags to secure the pads. The bags are used for storing the pads.  The bag making was an easier process and after two days the trainees were able to make the bags without any assistance.

The training ended on February 17, 2023. They trainees were able to produce a total number of 151 pads during the training. The trainees are expected to step down the training in the female wing of Lagos and Enugu custodial centre respectively upon their return. I t was a successful training.





Etorobong Inyang


Posted on Thursday, April 27, 2023


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