
Story Telling Coaching Session

Many thanks for your responses on when our first coaching session should hold as well as other suggestions received. We are grateful to all those from among our tribe who have volunteered to share their wealth of experience with us all. The details are as follows (drum roll please.........) **Story Telling Coaching Session** **** **Date: Thursday, Dec 2, 2021** **Time: 3:00 - 4:30 pm Africa/Lago** **Venue: Online** **Meeting Details??** **** **Join Zoom Meeting** **** https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81033897242?pwd=Y3ozNzZ5b1RmRHUxNVQ1NmJDU2tlUT09 **Meeting ID: 810 3389 7242** **Passcode: 578509** **** Please find the agenda below: **Storytelling Coaching Session Agenda** **** 1. Welcome Address & Introduction of Participants - Moderator 2. Session 1: Why do we tell stories - Cognito (10 mins) 3. Session 2: Stories that Touch - Human angle stories- YIAGA Africa (10 mins) 4. Quick Poll - Ojonwa (5mins) 5. Intervention stories - Group activity on a story that touches from your intervention experience (20 mins) 6. Plenary (10 mins) 7. Session 3: Using Stories to raise funds - Youth Hub Africa (10 mins) 8. Q&A session - Responses to questions dropped in the chat box - Moderator (10 mins) 9. Quick poll - Ojonwa (5mins) 10. Next steps & Closing (5 mins) 11. This is shaping up to be an awesome event! We look forward to your participation.



Joshua Ibrahim


I am a software developer interested in making the impossible possible, I believe with maximum cooperation, we can make something out of nothing and make your dreams a reality

Posted on Wednesday, December 1, 2021



Rita Ezenwa-Okoro

Friday, February 4, 2022

Great! Well done
