

In response to a disturbing video that went viral on social media yesterday, the Country Director of Oxfam in Nigeria issued a press release to condemn the dehumanization and brutalization of a widow identified as Mrs. Amarachi Okechi of Umueghu in Amaegbuato autonomous community, in Nkpa Bende Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria. You can follow the link below to read the full press release:

Read press release

The act in itself is a gross violation of human right and shows the level of sensitization that is needed to protect women in society.  Events like this make us question the moral compass of our society and can sometimes be discouraging; I can honestly relate to that feeling. But, instead of sinking into that wave of emotion, I urge that this should serve as a motivation and fuel to the work we do in the area of gender justice and human right protection.

On a final note, this event should be what will make us take a stance against such injustice not just as individuals, or as part of an organisation but together as part of the voice community to amplify and give voice to the voiceless in our immediate communities and our country at large. 



Cedric Owuru


Posted on Tuesday, August 30, 2022


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