
November Newsletter 2022

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Dear Reader,

November was an awesome month for Voice grantees in Nigeria, From virtual events, to travelling and onsite events, November was filled with amazing experiences. This edition will summarise the social impact achieved in November as documented on the Voice Naija website.

Before sharing the updates, did you miss the lastest Twitter space hosted by Cognito and Nine, the Voice Community of Practice for Gender justice supported tagged: “UNITE! Activism to End Violence Against Women and Girls”? If you did, no worries, we have highlights to share with you.

The event was organised to commemorate the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence against Women and girls. The 16 days of Activism started on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and continued to 10th December.- International Human Rights Day. Click here to listen to the recording.


Selected representatives of organisations under the Voice Nigeria Program joined other change agents from across Africa earlier in the month for a knowledge exchange programme organised by Voice for its grantees and partners in Africa.The goal was to evaluate progress made in the social-political space across Africa, especially in the areas of women and youth inclusion and integration of persons with disabilities in the decision-making process in various countries.

The event took place at the Golden Tulip Hotels at Stonetown, Zanzibar, Tanzania and drew participants from the host country, Uganda, Kenya, Mali, Niger and Nigeria. The event focused on building working relationships amongst change agents in various parts of the continent. Click here to read the full story


In November, Citizens Commons continued their Youth Conversations for a New Nigeria (YANN) conversations in Bauchi, Asaba, Ilorin, Jos and Ebonyi. Residents of these cities added their voices and gave their ideas on what a New Nigeria will look like for them.

The incidence of insecurity, unemployment, and abundance of poorly equipped health facilities in this country is on the high side. No change can occur without a full representation of young Nigerians. hence, the need to have youth-focused conversations across the different states in the country. Attending the conversation was concerned with Nigerian youths, activists, youth leaders, and student leaders all coming together to discuss challenging issues in the country. The conversation offers a way to amplify youth voices and discuss with peers what leaders should be doing to birth New Nigeria and the role of the youth in making a new Nigeria happen. Click here to read full reports of the events: Bauchi, Asaba, Ilorin, Jos, Ebonyi


Cognito and Nine shared knowledge resources from the 4th Linking and learning event on the Voice Naija Platform. You can learn from these resources by clicking on the link at the end of each brief.

Interested in Showcasing Project Impact? Use a Case Study!
A case study is a detailed study of a specific subject in its real-world context. It takes a comprehensive look at a specific case and attempts to answer questions such as What, When, Who, Where, Why and How in great detail so as to draw conclusions, learnings, comparisons and/or similarities to other events, research, facts or beliefs. Click here to learn how you can use a case study to showcase your organisation’s project and impact.

Articles & Blogs

Articles and blogs are integral to an organization’s external communication, yet many organizations often ignore them or use them sparingly. An article is a piece of writing included in a publication such as a magazine, newspaper, or website. An article can be written by one person or by multiple authors. A blog is a type of website that typically contains writing pieces, also called posts, on various topics. Blogs are usually written by one person, but can also be written by multiple authors. Articles and blogs share many similarities, especially in their importance. Click here to learn more about articles and blog writing.

Telling Our Stories Through Documentaries

Documentaries help to capture important aspects of life .The lessons learned from documenting the challenges, successes and failures of an individual, organisation or program could serve as a guide to others who are upcoming, and it could also help provide recommendations as to how to overcome certain issues and could serve as a form of motivation to others. A well-documented event or project in an organisation could help draw the attention of potential investors and lead to funding opportunities. Click here to learn how to effectively document your impact using documentaries.

Technical Writing for Advocacy and Social Impact

Technical writing is the art of providing detailed information to help users understand what has happened, or learn about a specific skill or product. Technical writing is a tool which an organisation or individual uses to present technical information so that specific readers can use the information for an intended purpose. Communicating complex concepts in simple and straightforward terms is a skill that should be learned by everyone. Click here to learn about effective technical writing.


In the past 11 months, the #SpeakUpStandOutNG Program has been empowering young people with information knowledge and grassroots mobilisation skills to participate meaningfully in the socio-political development of their communities. The program helps to maximise digital platforms for social mobilisation, amplify youth voices and develop people-led campaigns on issues that affect youth influencing policies that affect youth.

The SUSO Program continues to implement community actions geared towards encouraging civic participation, citizen engagement, and community mobilisation toward social action with a focus on young people, and mobilisation of young people to take active parts in politics as members of political parties. Click here to read full updates from SUSO on Voice Naija and also here to read SUSO’s 10th Newsletter

Enhancing Access to Self-reliance for Female Inmates and Ex-inmates in Nigeria Planning Meeting - CAPIO

Correctional officers, the Voice team, FIRC members, Carmelite Prisoners' Interest Organization (CAPIO) staff, and members of the media were all present at the FIRC one-day project planning meeting that took place on November 23, 2022, at the St. Pope John Paul II Catholic Pastoral Centre in Wuse 11, Lagos. The meeting gave the project team and stakeholders the opportunity to share responsibilities and commit to project implementation which is to give female inmates and ex-inmates the skills they need to make sanitary pads. It will be carried out in the Nigerian states of Enugu and Lagos. Click here to read the full report of the event.


Finally, have you filled out the Nigerian Youth Voice Survey, a survey that seeks to capture the voices of young Nigerians on several topical issues of importance to youths and the country?
By filling the survey, you will join others in sharing your picture of Nigeria’s future and what it means to be a Nigerian. Scan the barcode on the image above to participate in the survey.

Read more about the survey on Voice Naija Platform

Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. Kindly watch out for updates on the Voice Naija Platform (www.voicenaija.org) as the Voice grantees have started uploading exciting updates from November activities.

Please do ensure to follow @voiceglobal @oxfam_in_nigeria @wearecognito @infonine and also all the grantees on the Voice program, on social media.

If you enjoyed this edition, do share it on all your social media platforms.

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Cognito .


Cognito Studios is a visual communication and knowledge management focused social enterprise that uses creative communication approaches to achieve program objectives and tell development stories that amplify the voices of the underserved populations.

Posted on Thursday, September 7, 2023


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