
NCAA Directs Airlines To Stop Mandating PWDs To Travel With Aides, Dana Air, Others Complies

Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority has kept the promise it made during the Centre for Ability, Rehabilitation and Empowerment (CARE)

 engagement with Aviation officials and airline operators on Friday in Abuja.

It has been announced and almost all the airlines have complied except two airlines who have till the end of work today to reflect it on their website.

NCAA in a public hearing organized by the House Committee on Disabilities and Special Needs to address the Complaints of PWDs against the Aviation Sector, Capt. Chris Ona Najomo, Director, Air Transport Regulation, NCAA representing the DG, NCAA said that NCAA has approved and mandated all airlines to stop compelling PWDs to travel with aides and asked them to include in their website option of passengers who need special assistance at the airport to indicate the kind of assistance they need.

He said that the Deadline for Compliance is 4 PM today on 26th April 2022.

All the airlines present showed that they have complied with the directive except for two airlines who have until the end of the day to comply.

Ironically, Dana Air, which a lot of persons with disabilities have accused of mandating them to buy two tickets whenever they are traveling, has complied.

Before filling out this report, TQM visited these airlines' websites and found out that Dana Air, among others, has complied.

This is a victory for the Disability Community. They fought hard and they are winning.

To ensure compliance and access to the facilities at the airport in accordance with the Disability Rights Act, the House Committee on Disabilities and special needs alongside Organizations of Persons With Disabilities (OPDs) would embark on an oversight function at the Abuja airport in June 2022.

This is another milestone in CARE’s Accessible Aviation project, supported by Oxfam Voice.



Kelsey Chukwunyere Nwosu


I am a Gender/Disability Rights Advocate with a passion for inclusion, but I equal rights, youth development and volunteerism. A Virtual Assistant and Branding strategist.

Posted on Tuesday, May 3, 2022


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