
May The Force of Young People Be With You (SUSO May 2022 Newsletter)

The #EndSARS protest is a testament to the young Nigerians’ent power, skills, and capacities. Young people called, and young people answered, not considering the differences that caused prejudices in the past. No one cared if it was an Efik or a traditionalist making the call. Our objective was united, and we all looked up to that one goal we longed to achieve- police reformation in Nigeria. 

The world stood in awe as they witnessed a rare kind of united force of young Nigerians. Protests and agitations are common, but this time, it went beyond ordinary street protests. We amplified our voices, bringing our skills to the fore and utilizing technology that powers today's world. Indeed, the drivers championing Nigerian policies realized these sets of young people are different, and yes, we are!

Not to repulse, but to support, we want to leverage our skills to build a great nation. We are willing to sit at the table and bring our unique perspectives to influence our country positively. The Speak Up, Stand Out program is to aid collaboration between young people and decision-makers to address pertinent issues affecting young people. It's an opportunity to bring our skills and capacities to join the government, private stakeholders, and Nigerians to create meaningful change. 

Enjoy our SUSO stories for the Month of May 2022

Adenike Bamigbade

Program Coordinator, Speak Up, Stand Out (SUSO)


Click here to read our full May newsletter and what we have been up to in 2022



NG YouthSDGs


Posted on Monday, June 6, 2022


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