
Empowering Communities to Combat Gender-Based Violence through Market Outreach 2

In an effort to address the pervasive issue of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and promote positive social change, Motherhen Development Foundation - Voice project team embarked on a series of market outreach activities across several local government areas in Gombe and Borno State. By utilizing drama performances as a medium of communication, these initiatives aimed to raise awareness about the detrimental effects of GBV and empower community members to take action. This article highlights the impactful market outreach activities conducted in Bojude, Bambam, Kuri, and Biu, where engagement with local leaders and the involvement of community members played a vital role.

Bojude community, Kwami Local Government Area, Gombe State:

In Bojude, the project team collaborated with the community focal person to mobilize a talented drama troupe. Prior to the market outreach, the troupe diligently rehearsed and shared video recordings for corrections and feedback. With the approval of traditional and market leaders, the team conducted the outreach activity on the bustling Bojude market day, Sunday, May 7th, 2023. Liaising with market leaders, a central position was secured, allowing for maximum visibility and engagement.

During the event, jingles were played and shared among rightholders, capturing their attention and setting the stage for impactful discussions. The program officer delivered a brief overview of the detrimental effects of GBV on survivors and society. The drama troupe skillfully portrayed the consequences of domestic violence, emphasizing the negative outcomes of divorce and children growing up without proper parental care. The call for all rightholders to unite against all forms of GBV in Bojude resounded throughout the market. Referral pathways for survivor support and steps to facilitate the arrest and prosecution of perpetrators were also highlighted. The communication officer emphasized the importance of community involvement in combating GBV and facilitated a question and answer session. The event concluded with refreshments served to rightholders, supported by peer mentors, the community focal person, and other volunteer rightholders. The knowledge gained by two rightholders present was assessed, ensuring the effectiveness of the outreach.


Drama performance at Bojude Community


Onlookers of the drama performance during the Bojude market outreach

Bambam Community, Balanga Local Government Area, Gombe State:

Following a similar approach, the project team engaged with traditional and market leaders in Bambam to secure approval for a market outreach activity. The community drama troupe took center stage during the market day on Monday, May 8th, 2023. As the project team liaised with market leaders to locate a prominent position, jingles were played and shared with rightholders who had access to phones via Bluetooth or other transfer methods.

The program officer provided a compelling overview of the devastating effects of GBV on survivors and society. Through their performances, the drama troupe shed light on the harrowing experiences of rape survivors and emphasized the role of referral pathways in providing support and bringing perpetrators to justice. The communication officer reiterated the significance of individual contributions in the fight against GBV and facilitated a productive question and answer session. The event concluded with refreshments provided to rightholders, fostering a sense of unity and solidarity. A total of 112 rightholders were present, actively engaging in the drama play at Bambam market.


Drama performance during the market outreach at Bambam Community

 Kuri Community, Yamaltu Deba Local Government Area, Gombe State:

The project team visited Kuri on May 14th, 2023, to deploy the market outreach activity. In this instance, community members themselves took on the roles in the drama performances. The focus of the drama was to enlighten rightholders about the importance of girl child education and the harmful consequences of hawking by school-age girls. A total of 116 community members attended the market outreach in Kuri, and refreshments were shared, further fostering community involvement and appreciation.



Drama performance during the market outreach at Kuri Community

Biu, Biu Local Government Area, Borno State:

On May 15th, 2023, the project team visited Biu to conduct another impactful market outreach activity. The event commenced at 1 pm at the Central Market, where the team first visited the market leadership to seek their support. Engaging rightholders through various scenes, including those depicting rape, girl child education, domestic violence, and adolescent hawking, the drama performances effectively communicated key messages. The event concluded with refreshments provided to the 102 rightholders present, symbolizing the unity and collective effort required to combat GBV.

 In Conclusion:

The market outreach activities in Bojude, Bambam, Kuri, and Biu demonstrated the power of community engagement in addressing the pressing issue of GBV. By leveraging drama performances and collaborating with community gatekeepers, the project team successfully disseminated crucial information, fostering awareness, and empowering rightholders to take a stand against GBV. These initiatives played a significant role in promoting positive social change and inspiring a community-wide commitment to combatting GBV in all its forms.



Habiba Isa Gaude


Habiba Isa Gaude is the gender desk officer and the communication officer on the Voice project implemented by Motherhen Development Foundation.

Posted on Tuesday, May 30, 2023


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