
August Newsletter 2023

Greetings dear readers,

Welcome to the August edition of the Voice Newsletter, where strength and inclusivity illuminate our journey. This month, we are inspired by  the impact of the African Caribbean Heritage Alliance (ACHA) National Dialogue, a unifying celebration of inclusion alongside partners like the Coalition of Societies for the Rights of Older Persons in Nigeria (COSROPIN) and the Gender Mobile Initiative whose strong stance echoes the maxim "Nothing about us without us." This month also witnessed  important debates on the effects of policies and highlighted the voices of the vulnerable, encouraging legislative change.

At the National Healthy Ageing Summit, the Voice Community of Practice for the Elderly made a strong impression in promoting the cause of older persons by engaging with the National Senior Citizen’s Centre (NSCC), Federal Ministry of Health, World Health Organisation (WHO) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 

We also carried our monthly  coaching session  This August, the session focused on  Digital Communication and Social Media Management, a common organisational pain point as indicated by several grantees.

Lastly, The Centre for the Advancement and Protection of the Rights of Vulnerable People (CAPRIGHTS-VP) "RECLAIM YOUR FUTURE PROJECT" unveiled family planning guidelines, fostering vital discussions on women's sexual and reproductive health rights whilst Gender Mobile Initiative continued its inspirational journey, enhancing campus safety for women through collaboration with the International Center for Investigative Reporting (ICIR).

As we reflect on these stories, we see the Voice community carrying  the torch of empowerment and empathy, ensuring that every voice resonates on our journey towards equity .

ACHA's Landmark National Dialogue Sparks Momentum for an Inclusive Nigeria: Celebrating Diversity and Empowering Marginalised Voices

The African Caribbean Heritage Alliance (ACHA) organised the National Dialogue on Inclusion of Marginalised and Discriminated Persons on August 1, 2023, which was a significant occasion that reverberated throughout Nigeria. The Voice NOW-US award grantee, hosted  the event under the theme "Celebrating Inclusion," in collaboration with their sub-grantees; Coalition of Societies for the Rights of Older Persons in Nigeria (COSROPIN), Gender Mobile Initiative, and Motherhen Development Foundation (MDF). The event gained extraordinary resonance to emphasise the crucial message of : "Nothing about us without us."

Panel discussion discussing progressive policies on Voice rightsholder groups.

The importance of this gathering was highlighted by a trio of key activities: a celebration of the revolutionary effects of progressive policies on VOICE rightsholder groups, in-depth panel discussions to assess policy implementation and share priceless lessons, and the critical identification and documentation of urgent issues, poised to spur legislative action and robust engagement from key stakeholders.

Group photograph of participants of the event.

The Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management, and Social Development, Nigerian Correctional Services, the National Orientation Agency (NOA), the National Human Rights Commission (NAPTIP), the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corp (NSCDC), the Royal School of Educational Therapy, Female Inmates and Return Citizens, and other organisations were represented at the event. Two powerful panel discussions that examined the effectiveness of current policies, potential directions for growth, and the effects of societal exclusion on developmental progress took centre stage.

This engaging discussion came to a close with a variety of practical insights that will be revealed in an upcoming communiqué. ACHA's National Dialogue has sparked a profound wave of change that is advancing Nigeria towards a future where everyone's voice is heard and every individual matters.

Empowering Elderly Well-being: Voice Community of Practice Joins National Healthy Ageing Summit.

Abuja, [August 14th - 15th, 2023] — The National Healthy Ageing Summit in Abuja featured the Voice Community of Practice (CoP) on Elderly and had as its theme "A Decade of Healthy Ageing in Nigeria: Situation, Challenges, and Transformative Pathways." The World Health Organisation (WHO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and other stakeholders including the CoP have all emphasised the critical role that healthy ageing plays in achieving demographic dividends and SDG goals. Dr. Salma Anas, Special Advisor to the President on Health, also emphasized this as a key agenda to be prioritized by the current administration of President Bola Tinubu.

Voice Elderly CoP members with the DG of the National Senior Citizens Centre, Dr. Emem Omokaro at the event.

The introduction of Integrated Care of Older Persons (ICOPE) into primary healthcare systems, a key component advocated to be included in the Basic Healthcare Provision Fund (BHCPF) is one of key asks contained in the communique signed by stakeholders who have agreed that the ICOPE will be be beneficial to the elderly populace in Nigeria. The Voice CoP's involvement strengthens senior citizens' voices and places them as active participants in their own well-being. The Voice CoP's commitment to leading positive change in the environment of elderly  health and care and to embrace new ideas in aged care are both highlighted by this summit, an event which underscores the value of collaboration.

Coaching Session: Cognito and NINE facilitates a session on Digital Communication and Social Media

Cognito and NINE recently facilitated a transformative coaching session aimed at building the capacities of  grantee partners in their various projects.  The topic,  Digital Communication and Social Media Management was highlighted by several grantees as an organisational pain point and therefore became a priority topic in the Voice coaching series.

The coaching session, led by Nwaiwu Elizabeth Chiamaka of Gender Mobile and Dr. Seun Asala of Cognito, resonated deeply with the grantees. The grantees, hailing from diverse nonprofit backgrounds, were engaged in an insightful discourse that illuminated effective strategies to conquer the challenges of the digital age.

Flyer for the caching session as well as faces of attendees.

This coaching session is emblematic of Cognito and NINE's approach under the Link and Learn arm of the Voice program to propel nonprofit excellence. The recorded session is available online, especially for those who missed the event. It is expected that the lessons learned and the insights gained from the session will benefit  all Voice grantee partners.

For more information and access to the recorded session, please visit the Voice Naija platform.

CAPRIGHTS-VP Successfully Launches Comprehensive Family Planning Guidelines

On August 17, 2023, the "RECLAIM YOUR FUTURE PROJECT" family planning guidelines were formally introduced and an  awareness session was held at the Rik Event and Ground centre in Igando, Lagos state. The Centre for the Advancement and Protection of the Rights of Vulnerable People (CAPRIGHTS-VP), with assistance from Voice, organised the event. 

Women at the launching/sensitization of the family planning guide

Rightholders, stakeholders, illustrious dignitaries, media outlets, visitors, and well-wishers all gathered to witness the book's unveiling during the occasion, which attracted a notable audience. 

At the event, community women in attendance received copies of the  family planning handbook. This wonderful resource carefully explains various family planning methods and provides important details about women's sexual and reproductive health rights.
You can find the family planning handbook here.

Strengthening Campus Safety and Amplifying Voices: Gender Mobile Initiative's Collaborative Endeavors

In an inspiring convergence of efforts, Gender Mobile Initiative recently welcomed representatives from the International Center for Investigative Reporting (ICIR), a non-profit media organization. The focus of their interaction centered around identifying common ground, particularly in the realm of campus safety for women and girls. Strategic communication, impactful solutions journalism, and the dissemination of a secure reporting system emerged as unanimous priorities. The Executive Director of ICIR, Dayo Aiyetan, shared valuable insights into the organization's work, illuminating a promising path forward for their partnership. 

Dayo Aiyetan (Executive Director ICIR) in an insightful meeting with the Gender Mobile team.

Simultaneously, Gender Mobile Initiative continued their commitment to fostering safe learning environments for women and girls, hosting the VOICE team to evaluate their innovative project at the University of Abuja. This initiative aims to  amplify the voices of female students in sexual harassment prevention and response, and the evaluation visit provided an opportunity to conduct an in-depth analysis of the project and to showcase and examine both accomplishments and challenges faced during implementation. Participants also discussed  plans for  expansion and sustainability.

The Voice team on an evaluation visit to Gender mobile office regarding the Campus Safety project.

Thank you for taking the time to read this edition of the newsletter. We hope you found it informative and engaging. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Finally, we urge you to stay curious, stay connected, and as always, stay awesome!

Until next time,

Cognito & NINE Team
(Linking and Learning Facilitator)

Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.

Kindly watch out for updates on the Voice Naija Platform (www.voicenaija.org)



Cognito .


Cognito Studios is a visual communication and knowledge management focused social enterprise that uses creative communication approaches to achieve program objectives and tell development stories that amplify the voices of the underserved populations.

Posted on Thursday, September 7, 2023



Yayock Bernard

Monday, September 11, 2023

Very insightful content
