
It Takes A Village - The SUSO Program August 2022 Newsletter

The SUSO Program August 2022 Newsletter

The #SpeakUpStandOutNG Project has one of its expected outcomes enabling activists and advocates to use skills and tools to build alliances, coalitions, and networks with stakeholders in thematic areas bothering the Nigerian youth. The month of August featured the long-anticipated International Youth Day. The SUSO Activists all across Nigeria responded to the celebration set aside to commemorate youth resilience and discuss ways of elucidating the roles of young people in nation-building and social change.

The theme for this year's International Youth Day - Intergenerational Solidarity: creating a world for all ages, had sprung dialogues on ageism and the need to create a world where all age groups play peculiar roles integrated for social good and the attainment of the SDGs. The fun fact of this year's celebration is the engagement of the older population in the discussions and transacting of their perspective for a more informed action plan toward a youth-fair and youth-supporting society. 

SUSO activists in Enugu and other locations combined resources to commemorate International Youth Day. The resolutions from these engagements span beyond August. The SUSO thematic areas of education, governance, peace & security, and employment will experience enhanced outcomes when issues concerning the youth are identified and addressed. The existence of the project serves the youth rightsholders - by and for them - and would reiterate the stance of the youth in creating a better world.

Dough ONAH

For the Speak Up, Stand Out Program


Enjoy Our SUSO Stories For August 2022 HERE



NG YouthSDGs


Posted on Friday, September 2, 2022


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