
CARE Trains Stakeholders On Accessible Aviation For Persons With Disabilities

The Centre For Ability, Rehabilitation And Empowerment (CARE), through its Accessible Aviation project supported by Voice Nigeria, recently trained stakeholders and aviation officers on provision of accessible services at the airports for people with disabilities.

The training which took place at AES Luxury Apartment in Abuja was anchored by the Executive Director, CARE, Dr Chike Okogwu, with personnel from The Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), and other airline service personnel present.

Speaking at the event, Dr. Chike Okogwu raised the issues of some airlines insisting Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) must travel with aides – thereby placing the burden of extra costs for double tickets on PWDs whenever they travel by air.

He also faulted some airlines issuing extra charges on PWDs – especially wheelchair users to put him or her on board. For these, PWD were charged between 4,000 to 4,500 for receipts issued to board.

Dr. Okogwu also used the opportunity to tender an unreserved apology to Dana Airlines for the outburst that took place on 20 December, 2020. According to him: “Two wrongs don’t make a right. Yes I was offended, I was pushed to the wall, everything happened so fast. But it stays impressed in my heart that, if what happened the other day didn’t happen, we won’t be here today.”

The CARE Executive Director disclosed that the organization has put in place plans to produce a video on accessible aviation in collaboration with NCAA and FAAN. He said the video will be available in different languages within the next three months.

Chairperson, House of Representatives Committee on Disabilities and Special Needs, Princess Marian Onuora who was present for a brief moment before being deputized for by clerk of the committee, Olalekan Abdulsalam, proposed adopting Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Act 2018 to sanction any airline found wanting for inhumane act.

Capt. Chris Ona Najomo Director Air Transport Regulation, Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) who was present on behalf of Director General, Capt. Musa Nuhu, lauded CARE for putting together such event, he however, assured of NCAA’s resolve to investigate the issues raised and sanction any airlines found indulging in such discriminatory practice.

According to him, “One core value of NCAA is costumers’ satisfaction, we value aviation service users and ensure that service providers maintain international standards.

“When people fly they put their trust in the regulator and airlines to get down to their destination safely. When a person purchases a ticket, he or she expects to make that journey safely, comfortably, and without fear of discrimination.”

He said NCAA has a policy for Persons with Reduced Mobility (PRM) which addresses the needs of Persons with Disabilities – especially those with mobility challenge, and how they should be catered for in the airport.

He said no Airline has the authority to request an extra charge for tickets for aid rendered in accompanying a PWD as all Airlines have partner handler companies like Skyway Aviation Handling Company Limited (SAHCOL) and Nigerian Aviation Handling Company Plc (NAHCO) etc, who handle Passengers with Reduced Mobility (PRM) or PWDs.

The NCAA thenceforth directed all airlines present to comply with the NCAA policy on PRM.

NCAA also said it’s planning a stakeholders forum where it’ll bring together PWDs and other stakeholders to address accessible services for PWDs and train aviation staff on how best to serve PWDs in discharging their duties.

Federals Airports Authority of Nigeria, FAAN, reassured Persons with Disabilities of its commitment to ensure safety of all passengers – especially those with Disabilities.

The airport management body was represented by Haija Aisha Amuju Peku. Amuju called for sensitization of aviation staff in order to enhance accessible services for PWDs.

Representative of Air peace, Okman Ndolo called for ticket rebate to alleviate the plight of PWDs in air travels.

Other airlines, including Director, Vulnerable Group department of National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), represented by Mr. Dahiru Sajo Bobbo pledged their commitment to comply with the directives on the Disability Rights Act by all sectors.

Kesiana Dashe and Christy Asala from Incognito represented VOICE. Christy Asala expressed excitement to learn new technologies on addressing PWDs in the manner acceptable to them. She said the idea was to create accessible environment for PWDs to thrive just like their non disabled counterparts.



Kelsey Chukwunyere Nwosu


I am a Gender/Disability Rights Advocate with a passion for inclusion, but I equal rights, youth development and volunteerism. A Virtual Assistant and Branding strategist.

Posted on Tuesday, May 3, 2022


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