
Building Stronger Connections

As collaboration and knowledge sharing become increasingly important in the world of development and progress, the concept of Community of Practice (CoP) has gained popularity as a powerful tool for bringing together organizations and institutions, fostering ideas exchange, and working together to achieve common objectives. As part of the Voice Linking and Learning framework, the Voice Nigeria Linking and Learning Facilitators support Communities of Practice among various organizations, including Voice Grantees and Non-Voice Grantees, aimed at addressing key societal challenges and enhancing their effectiveness.

Understanding the Concept of  Community of Practice (CoP)

The Community of Practice is a group of people with a common interest, profession, or goal. Members come together to learn, share knowledge, and improve practices in a particular area in a collaborative manner. As a result of the voluntary exchange of ideas, experiences, and expertise among CoP members, it fosters a sense of belonging and shared identity.CoPs facilitate innovation and positive change by bringing together stakeholders with a shared passion for addressing specific issues.

The Voice Community of Practice

Some of the notable Community of Practice groups that have been formed under the Voice Linking and Learning framework are:

  1. The Elderly Community of Practice

Photos of community members during a CoP physical learning event

The Elderly CoP is dedicated to promoting cooperative learning and taking action to combat the mistreatment of marginalized groups, specifically the elderly. Members from various organizations, including Dewdrop Foundation (DDF), Carmelite Prisoners’ Interest Organisation (CAPIO), Center on Ageing, Development and Rights of Older Persons (CADROP), Motherhen Development Foundation (MDF), Leadership Empowerment and Development Innovation Initiative Africa (LEADIN AFRICA), Novel Association for Youth Advocacy (NAYA), Coalition of Societies for the Rights of Older Persons IN Nigeria (COSROPIN) among others, come together to discuss the challenges and opportunities related to elderly care. Recently, the CoP organized the "Growth Clinic Workshop" in Abuja, Nigeria, with the goal of addressing urgent issues such as the neglect and abuse of seniors in Nigeria. Additionally, the workshop aimed to increase public awareness and encourage the implementation of policies that safeguard the rights of older individuals.

  1. The Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Community of Practice

Photos of community members during a CoP physical learning event

This Community of Practice (CoP) aims to create a more accessible society for persons with disabilities. Partnering organizations like the Centre for Disability, Rehabilitation and Empowerment (CARE), Motherhen Development Foundation (MDF), Center for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD), Disability Advancement Initiative (DAI), Foundation for Societal Empowerment and Rejuvenation (FOSER), Disability not a Barrier Initiative (DINABI), Albino Network of Nigeria, among others, collaborate to address discrimination against persons with disabilities. Their activities focus on educating stakeholders about disability rights and creating awareness about the National Disability Act in Nigeria.

  1. The Gender Justice Community of Practice

Photos of community members during a CoP physical learning event

The Gender Justice Community of Practice (CoP) strives to bridge the gaps of equity and equality between women and men in all aspects of life. Organizations with a focus on gender-related activities come together to shape policies and decisions that affect gender equality. They advocate for equal opportunities for women in various fields, including politics, education, and leadership. Some of the member oragnizations are Gender Mobile Initiative (GMI) Novel Association for Youth Advocacy (NAYA), Center for the Advancement and Protection of the Rights of Vulnerable People (CAPRIGHTS), Dewdrop Foundation (NAYA), Kids and Teens Resource Center and more.

  1. Social Justice Community of Practice (CoP)

Photos of community members during a the Democracy Convening 2023

The Community of Practice (CoP) is dedicated to establishing a strong foundation of knowledge and best practices for ensuring societal justice, particularly for vulnerable populations. To date, it has compiled a comprehensive collection of insights on social justice, accessible to member organizations and the public through the Voice Naija platform. This resource aims to further enhance their efforts in promoting adequate social justice for all. Their mission encompasses various areas, including human rights, youth engagement in politics, child and gender rights, among others. Several partner organizations are involved in this endeavor, including the Foundation for Societal Empowerment and Rejuvenation (FOSER), Carmelite Prisoners’ Interest Organization (CAPIO), Kids and Teens Resource Center, Novel Association for Youth Advocacy (NAYA), Youth and Students Advocates for Development Initiative (YSAD), Raising New Voices Initiative (RNVi), Society for Empowering Vulnerable Individuals, Communities, and Systems (SEVICS), Citizen’s Common (CC) and more.

Empowering CoPs for Greater Impact

The Voice Community of Practice model has proven highly effective in creating synergies and enhancing the impact of individual organizations. By collaborating and sharing experiences, CoP members gain valuable insights and strategies to address challenges more effectively. The learning products generated by each CoP serve as valuable resources for promoting best practices and driving societal change.

The success of these CoPs can be attributed in part to the support provided by Cognito and NINE team, who manage and ensure facilitate the activities of the CoP, ensuring that the voices and experiences of all stakeholders are amplified through appropriate channels.

Join the Voice Community of Practice

If you are passionate about making a positive impact and addressing societal challenges, consider joining one of the Voice Community of Practice (CoP). By becoming a part of these dynamic and knowledge-sharing communities, you can contribute your expertise and experiences, while also gaining valuable insights from like-minded individuals. Together, let's build a more secure and inclusive society through collaborative efforts and shared knowledge. Join a Community of Practice of your interest today and be a part of the transformative journey towards a better world.



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Cognito Studios is a visual communication and knowledge management focused social enterprise that uses creative communication approaches to achieve program objectives and tell development stories that amplify the voices of the underserved populations.

Posted on Tuesday, September 19, 2023


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