OGIP Session LLE2 at Enugu
The group didn’t seem as serious as the name implied!
The super cool session facilitator, Kachi Chukwu from Public and Private Development Centre
(PPDC), shared that open government and institutional partnerships was a way of bridging
the gap between the government and the governed by putting measure in place for
transparency, accountability and stakeholder participation. Simply put, it is a way for citizens
to make their voice count in governance by knowing what government is doing as well as
being able to raise concerns without fear or oppression.
In the characteristically resilient Nigerian fashion, indigenous Civil Society Organizations
(CSOs) had been collaborating to figure out how to get the government to be more
accountable especially in a democratic setting. To facilitate the true spirit of openness and
cooperation, the Open Alliance Network was birthed in 2014. Its aim was to bring
governments and civil society organizations together as true partners as part of the collective
action to spur the Nigerian Government to join the global Open Government Partnership
(OGP), which Nigeria eventually did in July 2016.
Today, Open Alliance has grown to become a coalition of over 150 Civil Society Organizations
(CSOs) across the 36 states of Nigeria seeking to promote good governance and ensure that
the government upholds the principles of OGP. Nigeria signed and ratified the Open
Government Partnership (OGP) which triggered several initiatives to enhance its
implementation. These include the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Nigeria Open
Contracting Portal (NOCOPO) and Open Treasury Portal (OTP) amongst others. In spite of this
progress, there is more to be done to achieve the ideals of OGP.
This initial sharing and reflection sessions got participants thinking about how best to address
the issues of OGP in a mutually inclusive manner realizing how this affects all aspects of
empowering rightsholders, amplifying the issues they face while influencing positive action
to enable an inclusive and participatory environment for all citizens. The participants decided
to form a community of practice which will help members to learn more about Open
Government and Institutional Partnerships including related concepts, understanding the
OGP terrain, stakeholders, Open Alliance network and how to support rightsholders and
citizens to engage meaningfully in how they are governed. To this end, it was unanimously
decided that the first activity for the group would be to schedule learning sessions and
develop a learning agenda.
The group members are excited at the prospects of further engagements and for this vibrant
and forward-thinking team, the ‘august’ entanglement has just begun!
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